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Safety Tips


  • While walking around, keep your passport in a safe place at home and always carry a photocopy. Passports are NOT easily or quickly replaced!
  • Never walk alone at night and only walk routes that you are familiar with.
  • Buy a cell phone (not just to call your friends, but in case of emergencies!) Please give your phone # to us in the office.
  • Carry the numbers of Radiotaxi (943 40 40 40 or 943 46 46 46) with you when out and to avoid problems at night, always take a taxi home.
  • Avoid fights by every means possible.
  • Avoid demonstrations


  • Pickpockets often travel in pairs: one gets your attention by asking you a question and while you are distracted, another reaches into your bag and steals something. If someone you do not know asks you a question, put your hand on your bag or purse and then address him or her.
  • Maintain assertive body language – stand up straight, keep your hands out of your pockets, and have your head up and eyes alert.
  • Carry your wallet in your front pocket – not in your back pocket.
  • Hang purses or bags around the front of your body and when seated in a restaurant, bar or Internet café, put your purse or bag in your lap.
  • Never carry all of your credit cards – try to leave all or most of them at home. In the event of a stolen or lost card, contact your credit company immediately. Here are some numbers:
  • American Express             900 814 500 / 901 375 680
  • Diner’s Club                        902 401 112
  • Visa and MasterCard        900 971 231
  • Never carry more cash than you need – the less cash you have on you, the less someone can steal!
  • Do not wear expensive jewelry, watches, etc.


  • Driving in Spain is different from in the US and other countries in respect to speed, general rules, regulations and pedestrian rights. You are advised to pay close attention when crossing the road and even on crosswalks. Spain has a high incidence of accidents involving young drivers. If possible, avoid car rental. If you do decide to rent a car, keep in mind the risks and differences that exist on the road (high speed, no right turn on red, roundabouts, disrespect for pedestrian rights, one-way and narrow streets, etc.) Do NOT hitch hike and, as always, don’t accept rides from strangers!
  • We recommend that you utilize Spain’s great public transportation system. It’s easy, efficient and economical!


  • Being out of their home environment, students should increase their awareness of their surroundings with regards to protecting themselves from sexual harassment. Remember that you are in a completely different environment from what you are used to. Sexual harassment abroad can be difficult to deal with.
  • There are some actions you can take to reduce, but not eliminate, the risk of sexual assaults/ harassment:
  • The most important thing is to stay safe. If you do not feel safe in a particular situation remove yourself or distance yourself from that situation immediately.
  • Do not abuse alcohol while in a foreign country; loosing full use of your faculties can cause errors in judgment and other situations that many lead to unwanted sexual harassment or assaults.
  • Go around with other travelers: always team up with a companion: the more friends, the better. A buddy system is your best protection. A woman traveling alone is much more of a target for harassment than two women together.
  • Dress conservatively; avoid wearing provocative formfitting clothing. Simply ignore propositions, comments or catcalls.
  • Do not be too friendly to strangers. Never accept car rides or hitch hike. Do not accept free drinks.
  • Be aware of the local standards of dress and behavior. Take your cue from locals.
  • Many sexual assaults/ harassment come from “friends”. Be aware of this fact. If you are the target of repeated unwanted sexual advances, report it to the resident director. Do not wait to contact us in the hope that the situation will improve.
  • Usually the best response to unwanted stares, comments, or touches is to ignore the harasser and to remove yourself from the situation quickly and calmly. Try to take refuge in a very public place.


Always report any instances of sexual harassment to the resident director.

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