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Lourdes, France



1. First, you should take an Euskotren (“Metro Donostialdea”) from San Sebastián to Hendaye.

Trains leave every half hour from the Euskotren train station in San Sebastián (plaza Easo) to Hendaye and take around 45 minutes. You do not need to set your ticket ahead of time for this part of the trip.


2. Then, you should take a French train from Hendaye to Lourdes.


  • Approx timetable: 04:48 / 05:43 / 6:27 / 8:09 / 10:19 / 12:59 / 16:12 / 16:53 / 18:04
  • Price: Around 30€
  • The train takes approximately 3 hours to get to LOURDES
  • The e-ticket is probably the easiest option for paying with a VISA or Mastercard. You will have to print out this e-ticket, in the authomatic machines in the train station in France.
  • Another option is buying directly at the RENFE train station (international desk).

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