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To get more information about Paris:

  1. EUSKOTREN from San Sebastián to Hendaye (France).

Train station is located at Plaza Easo 9.

Trains leave every half hour from the Euskotren train station in San Sebastián (plaza Easo) to Hendaye, and it takes 45 minutes.

You can Check PRICES and SCHEDULE at the following address:


2. TGV (Bullet Train) from Hendaye to Paris (

It takes around 4 hours and 40 minutes.

It is not possible to book tickets online directly at the official French Train Company (SNCF) using your American Credit or Debit Cards, so you will have to do it at any of the two following online sales pages for trains in Europe:



*These two options can be more expensive than if you buy the tickets directly at the train station in “Hendaye” France”.

To buy the TGV train ticket to Paris, you can ask a friend who has a Spanish credit card to buy it for you, or you can go directly to the train station in “Hendaye”, France, to buy it.

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