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Useful information

Accomodation in San Sebastian

Bikes, where to rent (DBIZI), buy or repair them

Camino de Santiago

Churches (Evangelical and Catholic churches)

Change dollars into euros

Cheap flights

Cinema board (cartelera de cine)

Club Vasco de Camping

Credit card payments for Cell phones and Travel agencies

Cristobal Balenciaga Museum


Electrical appliance



Horseback Trip

If you have lost your passport

Indoor Skatepark

International Student Identity Card (ISIC)

Koldo Mitxelena Library

Left luggage service in San Sebastian

Local buses

Malls in San Sebastian:



Lost & Found

Most used bus lines to get to school

Movie theaters in San Sebastian

Mugi Anónima bus card

Musical Instrument Practice rooms

Opening  a bank account

Photobooth close to campus

Places to buy a cellphone

Real Sociedad soccer games

Rent or buy Sports equipment

Restaurants in San Sebastián

Second hand stores

Self-Defense spray

Send/Receive money safe and quick!

Send bags home (USA)

Sidrerías (cider houses)  in San Sebastian

Sidrerías (cider houses) outside of San Sebastián


Supermarkets open on Sundays and Holidays

Text books for the classes

To make a money transfer

Where to buy different products in town

Where to get a covid test

Where to print a document

Where to repair your cell phone

Where to repair your computer

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