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Electrical appliances

Problems with your electrical appliances?

Most of your laptops and other electrical appliances like hairdryers use this kind of plugs with three pins:

However, we use this kind of plugs with only two pins :

This means that you need to buy what we call:

“Adaptador de enchufe americano a enchufe europeo de dos clavijas”

If you are looking for a “surge protector, you have to ask for a:

“Estabilizador de tension”


Below you have a few addresses of electricity stores* where you can find all kind of electricity supplies or devices:

Centro y Parte Vieja:

RUCAL                                  c/Fermín Calbetón, 30

ELECTROSON                  c/Reina Regente 4 


FERRETERÍA GROS          C/ Secundino Esnaola, 22


* Take with you the electrical appliance you need the plug for!

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