Lost & Found


If you have lost some personal belongings such as cell phone, wallet, keys etc., you can check whether someone has found it and has delivered to “Lost and Found” place.

In San Sebastian the office is at the police station.

  1. Before going, you should check their web site and figure out if your belonging has been found:
  1. If it’s there, then you should go with your passport to the police station personally. 
  1. How to collect the object identified as mine?

If you locate the object on the internet, you must:

  • Write down the reference number of the website and come to our offices to consult.
  • Provide data of the loss: place and date.
  • Describe the object as accurately as possible.
  • Bring the invoice (if you have one).
  • In the case of mobile phones: bring the charger, the mobile phone bill with the IMEI code and / or the PIN code.
  • If they are jewels, bring photos with the jewel, your partner, or invoice of the same or any other data that identifies you as the owner of the same.

Address: Paseo de Morlans, 1, San Sebastián

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