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 Water’s beneficial powers

salidas en bici 1

During the cosmopolitan Belle Époque, Gipuzkoa had up to eleven spas opened at the same time. Among them, the Cestona Spa is the only one that has remained without stopping. The discovery of the therapeutic effects of Zestoa’s springs is attributed to the dogs of the Marquis of San Millán. According to tradition, in 1760 they cured from mange after having a bath in some natural pools with warm water.
After these waters were declared a public service, the Cestona Spa opened, being enlarged in 1893 with the inauguration of the Grand Hotel emblematic building. People still drink the waters of these two springs of Zestoa, before having breakfast and on the doctor’s orders. Nevertheless, the spa has become a real hydrotherapy complex, with different types of pools, baths, showers, and vapours to tone up and relax our bodies.
Gipuzkoa’s thermal tradition is reborn in modern premises that have been recently opened. In Deba ( Aisia Deba) and Orio (Aisia Orio), respectively, combine accommodation and a wide offer of water therapies. In Donostia-San Sebastián, the spacious La Perla centre.

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