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The Basque Country capital city

Bayonne is an ancient city.

In the time of the Romans there existed a Roman encampment and an important established population.

During the Middle Ages Bayonne passed into the hands of the powerful Dukes of Aquitaine. When the King of England, Henry II Plantegenet married Eleanor of Aquitaine, Bayonne became part of the English crown. Bayonne remained in the hands of the English for three centuries, until the middle of the fifteenth century when it once again came under French rule.

Worthwhile sites in Bayonne include some remains of the medieval period, above all, Saint Mary’s Cathedral which was begun in the thirteenth century, and the Ancient Castle, a fortress from the fourteenth century.

It is also interesting to walk along the streets near the Cathedral where one can admire houses from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The walls of the city also date from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and are worthy of note.


Things to do in Bayonne

Musée Bonnat :

Musée Basque:

How to get to Bayonne

1. From San Sebastián to Hendaye

Company: Eusko Tren (located in Plaza Easo)

It takes 45 minutes and it costs about 2€.

Schedule and prices:

2. From Hendaye to Bayonne

Company: TGV

Schedule and prices:

It takes around 45 minutes

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