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Getaria is a coastal town located in the province of Gipuzkoa, in the autonomous community of Basque Country, in the North of Spain. This coastal village is located on the Urola Coast, with Zarautz to the east and Zumaia to the west.


It’s a charming fishing village that’s wedged between two beautiful beaches and a tiny island and sits adjacent to the green rolling hills of the getariako txakoli wine region.

Getaria is known for being Juan Sebastián Elcano’s hometown, a seaman well-known for being the first man to circumnavigate the earth. He was captain of the Nao Victoria, the one ship in Magellan’s ill-fated fleet which completed the voyage.

Today, Getaria is also famous for its restaurants serving grilled fish and a white wine with a protected designation of origin which is cultivated in the surroundings of this coastal town and takes the name of Getariako Txakolina.

But Getaria has more to offer, especially if you are into fashion design. This little town is actually the birthplace of the famous fashion designer Cristóbal Balenciaga.


Old Town


The old town of Getaria is located on a rocky headland which stands opposite the island of San Anton, artificially joined to the coast since the fifteenth century. Between San Anton and the old town, is situated Getaria port, which represented the main source of wealth of the people for centuries and still retains an important fishing. The medieval streets descend in parallel by old town to the sea.

Even girded in part by the modern remains of its walls, the old town of custody Getaria its attractions, among others,, the church of San Salvador, Zarautz and Ibáñez Ochoa de Olano Towers, and the remains of many palaces and Gothic and Baroque houses, and several archaeological sites of great historical value. The lively streets of the old town are also one of the centers of social life and the renowned maritime gastronomy from Getaria. Highlights include grills, located on the street, which is a key architectural element of several buildings, restaurants, and cultural landscape of the village.

Church of San Salvador


Considered one of the leading examples of the Gothic style in Gipuzkoa, this temple was declared a National Monument in 1895. The church of San Salvador, in its current state, essentially dates from the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century. Answer the late Gothic features, among which are the delicate tracery flanboyant of the upper gallery of the nave and the cover polibulada of the western facade. However, the core of the building shown later additions, as the main portal of the early seventeenth century and the bell tower, built between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries.

San Salvador’s history dates back several centuries ago, as two other temples, documented by the excavations in the crypt of the church, preceded the current: A first early medieval church, surrounded by a slab tombs necropolis, and a later, larger in which, in 1397, was founded the Province of Gipuzkoa. The temple walls also show the effects of fires and wars suffered by the town, especially during the First Carlist War (1833-1839), during which was badly damaged. After the war it was restored several times.

Elkano monument


Juan Sebastián Elkano,Getaria born in 1487, would go down in history as the first sailor to circumnavigate the world. Boarded in 1519 in the expedition commanded by Magellan when Magellan died, Elcano took command, successfully completing the journey on September 6, 1522, arriving at Sanlucar de Barrameda. In 1922, on the occasion of the 4th centenary of the journey, you begin to build a monument to his figure. The project, designed by Victorio Cacho, born in Palencia, in line with the Art Deco style then in vogue, stands on a former stronghold of the seventeenth century Getaria wall, which serves as a base. The monument is topped by a winged victory, the image of the masks that adorned the bow of the ships. At the bottom there is a relief depicting Juan Sebastian Elcano: Inside the building, an inscription recalls the names of other members of the crew, with Elcano, managed to complete the journey.

The Balenciaga Museum


The Balenciaga Museum is a public institution dedicated to studying and keeping alive the memory of fashion designer Cristóbal Balenciaga. It is located in his hometown, Guetaria (Guipúzcoa) and was inaugurated in June 2011.

It has a background of more than 1200 garments and accessories designed by the artist. They are exhibited in a rotating way, both for reasons of space and because the materials are fragile and would deteriorate in a continuous exhibition.

Much of the collection has been gathered thanks to donations and loans. About 300 pieces were donated by Rachel L. Mellon, wife of the American banking tycoon Paul Mellon and who was a prominent client of Balenciaga. In 2017 the museum dedicates a temporary exhibition to this donor. Other garments have been given in deposit by Hubert de Givenchy, disciple of the teacher of Guetaria, and by heirs of old clients such as Sonsoles de Icaza or Grace Kelly.

Txakoli Wineries


Txakoli is a slightly sparkling, young and fruity white wine that is produced in these unique vineyards overlooking the ocean. Although txakoli has been around for centuries (the first mention of it dates back to 1520), it has just started to become popular in recent years, and not only in the Basque Country but also all over the world.

Some of the txakoli bodegas offer tours, while others offer tastings and almost all of them offer direct sale. However, to fully experience txakoli, you should visit one of the many restaurants at the harbor where you can enjoy a bottle with some freshly caught fish that is grilled outside over charcoals. The lovely setting along with great food and wine is one of the reasons we love Getaria so much.

For further information about Txakoli Wineries in Getaria:



Company: Lurralde bus: Lines UK09, UK10 and UK11


You can take this bus from the Bus Station or from one of stops in front of the University.

It takes about 45 min. and the ticket costs 2,35€ (1,29€ with Mugi card)

(check the schedule in below)


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